
Zygomatic bone

The zygomatic bone is relatively small but structurally significant. It transmits the pressure applied to the zygomatic region toward three otherwise unconnected bones – the maxilla, the frontal, and the temporal bone. The zygomatic bones also contain the system of canals for the branches of the zygomatic nerve.

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Zygomatic bone ex situ Zygomatic bone in situ
The right zygomatic bone ex situ & in situ
Note the complex-shaped synchondrosis with the maxilla.

Icon of crossfade image Lateral surface of right zygomatic bone with the anatomic terminology markup
Lateral surface of right zygomatic bone
Lateral surface of the right zygomatic bone.
The list of terms: Facies lateralis – Lateral surface
Processus frontalis – Frontal process
Processus temporalis – Temporal process
Eminentia orbitalis – Orbital eminence
Foramen zygomaticofaciale – Zygomaticofacial foramen

Icon of crossfade image Anterior aspect of right zygomatic bone with the anatomic terminology markup
Anterior aspect of right zygomatic bone
The anterior aspect of the right zygomatic bone.
The list of terms: Facies orbitalis – Orbital surface
Facies lateralis – Lateral surface
Foramen zygomaticofaciale – Zygomaticofacial foramen

Icon of crossfade image Medial view of zygomatic bone with the anatomic terminology markup
Medial view of zygomatic bone
The medial aspect of the right zygomatic bone.
The list of terms: Facies orbitalis – Orbital surface
Foramen zygomaticoorbitale – Zytomaticoorbital foramen
Facies temporalis – Temporal surface

Icon of crossfade image Posterior view of zygomatic bone with the anatomic terminology markup
Posterior view of zygomatic bone
The posterior aspect of the right zygomatic bone.
The list of terms: Facies temporalis – Temporal surface
Foramen zygomaticotemporale – Zygomaticotemporal foramen
Processus frontalis – Frontal process
Processus temporalis – Temporal process

The zygomatic bones in situ & ex situ. 360° rotation.
First published: Jul/2019
Last update: 19/Nov/2020